Groups Contend County Could Face Criminal Charges For Attempts To Regulate Large Swine Farms

State's Business Lobby, Farm Groups Argue County's Actions Are Unlawful

Article: Danielle Kaeding
Published: Wisconsin Public Radio, Thursday, September 17, 2020  

One northern Wisconsin county's attempts to regulate large-scale hog farms has prompted agriculture and business groups to issue a letter warning board members they may face criminal charges.  

Environmental groups have condemned the move, calling it an act of intimidation.  

On Tuesday, the Polk County board weighed a pair of resolutions on whether to extend a moratorium on swine concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAFOs, and pass an amended land use ordinance that aims to require a conditional use permit for large-scale hog farms. The board voted down an extension of the moratorium, but it passed the amended ordinance.  

The county has been studying local regulation of swine CAFOs to protect the environment and public health in response to a proposed large-scale hog farm in nearby Burnett County.  

The proposals prompted groups like the state's powerful business lobby Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce, Wisconsin Dairy Alliance and Venture Dairy Cooperative to send a warning letter prior to the board's meeting. They argued approving the measures could be seen as misconduct in public office, which they noted is a felony offense under state law.   

"We're really just asking them to follow the law," said Kim Bremmer, the cooperative's executive director.


News ReleaseKim BremmerVDC